What We Offer
Providing monitoring, research, education, and training to enable natural resource agencies, non-profit organizations, and educators to assess and preserve vertebrate and invertebrate species, habitats, and ecological functions; and to help youth and adults to investigate, understand, and appreciate the roles of insects and other invertebrates in the natural world. Earthwise Analytics LLC is currently in the process of applying for its certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise in the state of Washington.
habitat assessment
habitat assessment
Fish, insects and other invertebrates play key ecological roles and are at the center of every food web, but land managers often lack information about their status, distribution, and habitat needs. I assess invertebrate & vertebrate species’ status & map population distributions and habitat utilization via field surveys done in conjunction with investigation of historical data, museum specimens, and scientific literature and reports; and develop site-specific recommendations for habitat management and conservation of populations.
Earthwise Analytics LLC works with private and public-sector clients to restore and protect habitats that support the Pacific Northwest’s unique biodiversity. We have frequently collaborated on large-scale restoration efforts within industrial waterways and developed shorelines. Our work covers riparian and wetlands habitats with services including:
- Habitat Banking
- Salmon Recovery and Restoration
- Stream Restoration
- Violation Resolution
Wetlands, Critical Areas & Land-Use Planning
Wetlands, Critical Areas & Land-Use Planning
Earthwise Analytics LLC provides data collection and site surveys to support land-use planning in ecologically sensitive habitats. We conduct field surveys and site assessments to identify wetlands and critical areas and inform decisions around land-use planning. In the water, our team of biologists conducts riparian surveys and fish monitoring, while on land, they survey for talus habitat and monitor soils for Arsenic and Lead in former orchards. Our services include:
- Wetland Delineation, Rating, and Buffer
- Determinations
- Riparian Buffer
- Assessments
- Shoreline Assessments
- Aquatic Vegetation
- Delineation
- Eelgrass Delineation
- Critical Area
- Assessments and Compliance
- Feasibility Assessments
- Re-zoning Applications
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM)
- Determination
- Building Permits
- Marine Habitat Improvement Analysis
- Freshwater Habitat Improvement Analysis
- Talus Habitat Surveys
- DOE compliant soil quality sampling and remediation planning
geological site assessments
geological site assessments
Earthwise Analytics LLC prepares Geologic Site Assessments for residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and school properties.
geotechnical services
geotechnical services
We can provide Geotechnical Evaluations for all your commercial and residential building projects. Earthwise Analytics LLC offers practical engineering solutions based on an appropriate analysis of subsurface conditions.
phase I and II site assessments
phase I and II site assessments
Earthwise Analytics LLC has conducted dozens of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) in its more than 15 years of experience. Earthwise Analytics LLC routinely prepares Phase I ESAs for residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and school properties.
The scope of a Phase I ESA includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Review of onsite and adjoining property conditions
- Review of historic aerial photographs and topographic maps
- Review of available reports prepared for the site
- Review of the soil and groundwater conditions underlying the site
- Review of environmental maps and reports prepared for the site
- Review of state and federal environmental databases
- Review of agency files
- Interviews with persons knowledgeable of the site, and
- Formal report preparation.
environmental monitoring and characterization
environmental monitoring and characterization
Earthwise Analytics LLC has over 15 years in monitoring and characterization. This experience includes:
- Shallow & Deep Soil Testing
- Percolation Testing
- Discreet Groundwater Sampling
- Well Installation and Sampling
- Work Plans
- Quarterly Reporting
- Health & Safety Plans
- Surface Water Sampling
- Tap Water Sampling
- Monitoring Wells
- Quarterly Sampling & Reporting
- Remedial investigations
Fish, Wildlife & Habitat Surveys
Fish, Wildlife & Habitat Surveys
Earthwise Analytics LLC provides expertise where protected species and ecologically-sensitive habitats are present.
We have the experience, training and certifications for conducting surveys to determine the presence/absence, abundance and distribution of organisms within worksites.
Insects and other invertebrates play key ecological roles and are at the center of every food web, but land managers often lack information about their status, distribution, and habitat needs. We assess invertebrate species’ status & map population distributions and habitat utilization via field surveys done in conjunction with investigation of historical data, museum specimens, and scientific literature and reports; and develop site-specific recommendations for habitat management and conservation of populations.
Our surveying services include:
- Endangered Species Act (ESA) Analysis and Compliance
- Stream Assessments
- Habitat Assessments and Management Plans
- Fish Exclusion/Capture
- Wildlife Population Estimates
Private Docks & Shoreline Permitting
Private Docks & Shoreline Permitting
Earthwise Analytics LLC
assists private landowners in the Pacific Northwest with their permitting needs.
We conduct site assessments to inform decisions surrounding land-use and mitigation planning for private developments. Grette staff work to obtain permits for construction and structure maintenance in and around bodies of water throughout the Pacific Northwest. Our consulting services cover a wide range of near-shore and in-water projects including:
- Docks (single- and joint-use).
- Year-round Docks for Boat-in Properties
- Boat Launches
- Boat Lifts, Mooring Buoys, Swimfloats
- Home and Outbuilding Construction
- Seawall Repair
- Property Redevelopment
- Shoreline Stabilization
- Shoreline Access Trails
- Repair and Maintenance of Near-water Structures
- Common Line Setback
- Riparian Buffer Assessment